How Gratitude Meditation can relieve Anxiety

Anxiety is overwhelming, it can make even the simplest tasks like getting out of bed, seem stressful and daunting. You are certainly not alone, over 40 million adults deal with anxiety in the United States while an estimated 14 million adults have had at least one depressive episode in 2020 alone.

I was there day after day allowing my anxious thoughts to affect my daily routine, my ability to make meaningful connections, and even my joy and passion for life. Anxiety impaired every chance to enjoy life to its fullest with a clear peace of mind.

It wasn’t until I learned the power of gratitude and meditation that I finally felt the anxiety melt away for the first time in years

That is why in this Blog Post I am able to share with you how gratitude and meditation can actually reduce anxiety, and how you can practice them daily to drastically transform your life.

I’ll Be Covering:

  • How I reduced my anxiety through gratitude meditation

So if you're tired of letting stress and anxiety take over your life, feeling your passion and joy slowly disappearing, and feeling like you aren’t living your life’s purpose, then you’re in the perfect place! Let’s unlock your full potential right now!

How I reduced my anxiety through gratitude meditation

Hello, my name is Marcie Link and after 30 years of Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Nutrition, and daily Holistic Living I could feel there was a missing piece in my life. I started to feel that there was a bigger connection between emotions and wellness than I had already discovered. I always knew that anger affected the liver and sadness and depression affected the lungs. However, it took years of listening to clients with similar symptoms and emotional distress, which allowed me to see the important relationship between these two major areas of health.

I started to do hours of research on how thoughts and the mental state of mind can affect our stress and anxiety. After a couple of months, I came across meditation therapy and how it can help us to see more options in our life.

After just one meditation session I started to realize what had been keeping me stuck in this depressive cycle of stress and anxiety. Fast forward 5 years later, and I am overwhelmed at how my life has transformed from anxiety to peace of mind just through daily meditation, specifically gratitude meditation.

If you’d like an easy meditation that targets brainwaves and quickly guides you into a deep state of relaxation so you can watch your anxiety melt away, try this FREE meditation to feel relief in just 7 minutes! To elevate mood, balance emotions, build confidence, boost cognitive functioning, and relax more deeply, Click here!

Gratitude meditation has completely transformed my relationship with my husband, my mom, my children, and has even helped me create longer-lasting friendships. Here’s exactly how gratitude meditation can relieve your anxiety and leave you feeling overjoyed!

How gratitude meditation relieves mental anxiety

The word gratitude, which originated from Latin, means grace, graciousness, or gratefulness. Having gratitude means being thankful for the people and things that surround us in this world. As well as giving grace to the feelings, thoughts, and emotions that will follow us outside of this world. A basic description of Meditation according to Wikipedia is “a practice in which an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm, and stable state.”

Over the past few decades, positive psychology and mental health researchers have established an abundant connection between gratitude and good health. When we decrease anxiety and negative emotions we take the stress off of our heart and immune system, giving our body the boost it needs to keep us well. Taken from the words of Emily Fletcher, the founder of Ziva, a well-known meditation training site, gratitude can be used as a ‘natural antidepressant’.

The act of gratitude is another form of concentrating on that which you have rather than what you do not have. If you focus on the best parts of your life, this will allow more things to show up for which you can be grateful. However, if you wait until you have everything you want to experience gratitude, you will never be satisfied or happy. Once I switched my focus to what I appreciated I could feel the shift from a negative mindset to a positive one, it lead to better sleep, melted my anxiety, and reduced my depressive episodes.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

-Philippians 4:8

God calls us to focus on the good things in life, which will lead us to emotional freedom. Daily gratitude allows our brain to produce an increase of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine which are the neurotransmitters that control our emotions, stress, and anxiety. When we choose to be grateful we release the feel-good chemicals in our brain that give us joy and peace. According to The Mindfulness Awareness Research Center of UCLA gratitude rewires the neural structures in the brain to produce more happiness and feelings of content. 

I go even more in-depth into how I transformed my negative emotions into motivated energy in this blog post 5 energy healing practices to transform your life. 

How gratitude affects your overall health

Gratitude has been proven to reduce the risk of heart disease and improve immune function. People who are thankful on a daily basis increase their lifespan, psychological well-being, and coping skills during stress. If you don’t tackle and reduce this stress now it will begin to take over your entire body.

Overall, gratitude can improve your health and reduce the effects of anxiety and depression. At the same time, all research shows that being grateful moves the focus from you and your problems to all the good things going on around you. Meditating on gratitude every day will start to have an impact on those around you which will in-turn create an abundance of joy in your life.

If you’re ready to experience the joy of gratitude and relieve your anxiety for good then I highly recommend this meditation for a complete brain shift and deep relaxation in only 7 minutes. I want to see you succeed and I am not sure how long it will be this low. Click here to try this free meditation!

Why meditating with gratitude is simple

From the book Words Can Change Your Brain, the author's Mark Robert and Dr. Andrew Newberg wrote “Just one word has the power to illustrate the expression of the genetic factor that regulates physical and emotional stress.”

Gratitude can be as simple as one positive thought, start with one thing you are grateful for and allow more to come to mind. What if every time a negative thought came to mind you allowed yourself to think of three more positive ones. It's almost impossible to eliminate all negative thoughts from your mind, but you have a much better chance at decreasing them if you switch your focus to the good things going on around you.

In regards to anxiety and depression, it can be said that gratitude plays an important role in combating negative emotions. If you’re uncertain about a situation, it’s best to give the benefit of the doubt, more times than not a negative event leads the way for a more positive one to take place. When something negative happens try and see what good may come out of the situation rather than jumping to conclusions.

Sometimes, as human beings, we start the day stuck in yesterday's mindset, never actually allowing ourselves to be grateful for new opportunities. In other words, when you wake up, take a moment to let the events of yesterday go and actively choose to see the good in this new day.

You can show appreciation for even the simplest things in your life, like waking up with oxygen, a working immune system, having clean running water, and food in your fridge. Once you start to notice the small things it will make the other things in your life much more prevalent, and your view on life will begin to change.

Furthermore, when you feel the weight of life dragging you down, you can always recall these moments of gratitude in order to relieve your anxiety, melt away your stress, and live a life of abundant joy.

I want to make this mindset shift as easy as possible for you! If you’d like to finally watch your anxiety and depression lift from your life and actually feel the difference of daily joy without drugs or therapy, I urge you to try this brainwave meditation. Click here for your FREE demo, and feel anxiety relief in just 7 minutes! Click here to get started!



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FREE GIFT - 3 Secrets to MAGNETIC meditation

In this FREE GIFT, learn how to relieve stress, reduce anxiety, and attract abundance with my 3-Secrets to Magnetic Meditation. I will share how I completely transformed my mindset from anxiety to peace of mind and reclaimed my power in 3 simple steps!

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