4 Ways To Practice Gratitude For An Abundant Life

Abundance is not something we aquire, it’s something we tune into
— Wayne Dyer

Hello! my name is Marcie Link - 30 year experienced neuro-feedback practitioner! Let’s face it our minds are much more powerful than we give them credit for. We are energetic beings, this means that the energy we focus on will grow - what we put out is what we receive. Therefore, when we actively choose to express gratitude for the good moments in our life we allow ourselves to receive an abundance of good experiences.

That is why after over 30 years as a wellness practitioner and mindset coach I will be sharing 4 ways you can practice gratitude on a daily basis to create the life of abundance and joy that you have always desired!

I’ll Be Covering:

So if you're exhausted living a life of lack and are ready to experience the world of abundance and joy, you have found yourself in the perfect place!

Changing your perception.

3 years ago one of my family friends experienced a life-altering car accident, she lost her license, her job and watched the bills pile up. Although tragic, this accident woke her up to the dangerous habit of drinking and driving. This event might have been much worse, even deathly if the habit persisted.

Fast forward 3 years to today and she is back on her feet after just accepting a life changing job. Of course, this is not always the case and some things in life are unavoidable, but most of the time we are given the opportunity to see the light in the darkness.

The first step to practicing appreciation and starting to experience a life of abundance is to be grateful for the negative situations. This may be easier said than done, but take a moment to notice how each negative moment has brought you to an important conclusion and how each moment can be turned into a positive one.

Are you ready to tap into your subconscious mindset and truly live the life of abundance? Experience this powerful meditation that targets brainwaves to quickly guide you into a deep state of relaxation so you can transform your limiting beliefs. Try the FREE meditation that saved the lives of myself and my clients, with only 7 minutes! To elevate mood, balance emotions, experience gratitude, boost cognitive functioning, and relax more deeply, Click here!

Although it may be difficult at first, every bad situation reveals some lesson that you can improve on, and a reason to be grateful. When we lose something we love it may wake us up to start showing more gratitude for the things we have because they might not always be here. Show appreciation to each lesson for enabling you to learn and grow as a person, every situation can lead to something great.

Showing appreciation to those around you

It might seem like the last thing you want to do when you have anxiety or depression is to focus on other people or even be around them. However, if you would like to reap the positive benefits of a thankful life, start by showing gratitude to anyone who has shown up in your life.

To show your appreciation for the people around you, begin by giving small compliments. Maybe it’s the grocer that checks you out at the store, or maybe you have a friend who is always there to listen to you.

Giving gratitude to those around you will not only brighten their day but also strengthen your relationships. It will also allow you to be reminded of those who are there for you in small and big ways. When you start to feel like the world is against you, remember the people that have shown up for you when you needed it, even if it's a smile from a stranger.

To take this a step further and immerse yourself in gratitude try writing a letter, email, or message of appreciation to someone you are grateful for. Maybe this person sent you a holiday card or called to see how you were, whatever the case may be a letter of gratitude will remind you of the good people and experiences that are happening for you. Give out good and you can be sure it will come back when you least expect it.

Keeping a daily journal

Just a simple 5 minutes each morning to write down the things you are grateful for can have a huge impact on your emotions each day. Focus on 3 aspects of your life that you feel blessed to enjoy. Even in an unhappy job, you can be grateful that it keeps you safe in your home rather than on the street, and with food to satisfy your hunger.

Starting with a few things will give you more room to focus on all the reasons in which you are appreciative. Allow yourself to get detailed and descriptive about what makes you happy, this way you can feel the appreciation fully and it will be harder to forget your gratitude.

Journaling daily will create discipline and peace in your mind, as it will lead to follow through in other important areas in your life.

If you want to experience the joy of abundance then I highly recommend this meditation for a complete brain shift and deep relaxation in only 7 minutes. I want to see you succeed and I am not sure how long it will be this low. Click here to try this free mind reframing meditation!

Practicing your strengths

Maybe you’re a natural cook, painter, or gardener, is there anyone in your life that could benefit from your skills? 

You can use your strengths to join a club and meet new people or practice with a friend and release stress. Maybe you have the strength of listening or great problem-solving skills, whichever strengths you notice, you were given them for a reason.

Being appreciative of your strengths and gifts can show you all the ways in which you can experience effortless joy in your day-to-day routine and reduce anxiety. Use one of your best strengths in a new way to help someone you know, you might inspire them to do the same.

Meditating for gratitude

Sometimes it's hard to see the brighter side of life when we are still living with an unhealed mindset. Meditation gives us peace of mind to realize what may be affecting our thoughts and emotions. Start with 10 minutes a day, find a quiet place, and allow yourself to just do nothing.

Some people use guided meditations as a quick way to calm the mind, others prefer silence or binaural beats that emit positive energy and peace. Meditation is the easiest way to reduce anxiety, stress, and depression, all you have to do is breathe and listen. 

When starting your journey to a joyful and peaceful life you may be looking for a guiding hand. We all need a little help getting started and someone who will be there to keep us on track. If you are looking for a stress-free option to reframe your negative thoughts into positive ones, gratitude meditation is highly effective and has transformed the lives of myself and over 900 of my clients in just the last 5 years.

If you haven’t read my blog post on “how gratitude meditation can relieve anxiety” go check it out here and Upgrade Your Mindset!

At the end of the day, gratitude has helped me to combat stress, anxiety, and depression, while filling my life with more love, joy, and peace. At the same time, the methods shared above all have one thing in common; they take some of the focus away from our unhealthy thoughts and emotions.

I want to make this mindset shift as easy as possible for you! If you’re ready to finally experience daily abundance without all the stress and anxiety, I urge you to try this brainwave meditation. Click here for your FREE demo, and feel deep relaxation in just 7 minutes!



if we are unable to answer right away please leave us a voicemail with your name and questions so we can call you back right away! - Marcie Duhon CEO & 30 yr practitioner



Discover the 3 Meditation Secrets that transformed my self love, relationships, and vibrational frequency to attract the life I had always dreamed of! Let’s tap into your subconscious mindset for an abundant life in 3 simple steps!


    How can neurofeedback increase abundance in your life and bank account


    How Gratitude Meditation can relieve Anxiety