20 powerful affirmations that can create abundance and wealth in your life today

Affirmations have the potential to completely transform your mindset in every area of your life if you only use them and allow them to absorb into your subconscious. Repeating affirmations during a relaxed state of mind will allow years of hindering beliefs to dissolve. With daily repetition your mindset will align to your new beliefs of wealth and abundance. 


As you read these affirmations get a sense of how you feel with each sentence you will be able to feel which ones are meant for you at this time. Trust your inner knowing to choose your top 3-5 energetically aligned affirmations or if one feels increasingly powerful repeat that one affirmation daily. There is no specific way to use affirmations as long as you feel inner peace and joy while repeating them, they will work exponentially!

Write your top 5 affirmations down and place them in different areas around your house and car where you can read them everyday and allow them to reframe your subconscious. The current state of your beliefs and how long your mindset has been running on those beliefs will determine how long until these affirmations take effect. Please repeat your chosen affirmations until you feel the results, they will show!


1. I am fearless in letting money go out, knowing God is my immediate and endless supply


2. Everything in the Universe, visible and invisible, is working to bring to me my own


3. I give thanks that the millions which are mine by Divine Right, now pour in and pile up under grace in perfect ways


4. All lack, limitation, and failure are wiped out of my consciousness


5. I receive and accept money with love and gratitude


6. My God is a God of plenty and I now receive all that I desire or require and more


7. I do not limit God by seeing limitation in myself, With God and myself all things are possible

8. Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of abundance forever


9. The genius within me is now released, wealthy ideas flow my way

10. I am awake to my good, and gather in the harvest of endless opportunities



11. All the money I give out comes back to me multiplied


12. I am a money magnet


13. I am a money magnet and money always finds its way to me


14. I spend money under direct inspiration wisely and fearlessly, knowing my supply is always endless and immediate


15. The genius within me is now release


16. Every man is a golden link in the chain of my good.


17. All the money in the universe flows to me now


18. New doors of opportunity stand open before me, waiting for me to enter

I am now on the royal road of Success, Happiness, and Abundance, my journey is abundant always

Simply, repeating affirmations may be enough for some depending on the degree of their imagination, but visualization is a must for anyone desiring wealth to entire their life in miraculous ways. While you repeat your mantras imagine how you would feel if everything in your finances and life were aligned. 

How would your family live day to day? Would you spend more time with your children? Would your kitchen be filled with local and fresh food? Would you have a full tank of gas every day? Would you take your friends and family out for lunch? How would you walk, talk and live every single day if you had an abundant supply of wealth and could do as you please in each moment?

Visualization while affirming daily is the key to your new success and abundance mindset. We must dissolve any mental blocks that may be holding us back from our new wealth mindset or our financial state will continue to remain the same. 

With the help of technology we can test your biological coherence on over 400 affirmations and your brain will highlight the ones that you need to align with in order to achieve your desires, for yourself and your family.

Our neurofeedback is a powerful perception reframing software that records the tones in your voice as you repeat affirmations and speak about different topics. From your voice recording, our neurofeedback analyzes and maps which areas, or beliefs in your mindset contain energy imbalances. 


When we adopt new and positive beliefs on wealth we can increase our abundance by seeing opportunities that we could not see were there before. If you’d like to discover your own personalized affirmations based on your current mental state, then schedule a free consultation below so we can help you align with abundance in every area of your life through neurofeedback reframing. We look forward to answering any of your questions today so we can Upgrade Your Mindset. Unlock your new success in half the time to get your precious time back!



if we are unable to answer right away please leave us a voicemail with your name and questions so we can call you back right away! - Marcie Duhon CEO & 30 yr practitioner




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